HayArt Festival
The special traditional event in the Lammertal
Every last Sunday in August, the HayART festival attracts many visitors to Annaberg-Lungötz from far beyond the borders of the Lammertal.
Countless giant hay sculptures, splendidly decorated teams of horses and beautiful hay fairies form one of the highlights of the Salzburg harvest festival.
Weeks prior to geh event, private individuals, clubs and local artists begin creating these hay figures. Built over a wooden skeleton, these frames, some of which are as much as 4 metres in height, are wrapped in hay with the utmost artistry. Finally, the figures are partially dressed up and painted.
Aside from great imagination during the planning phase, the project demands technical know-how and excellent handiwork from the artists as they gradually realize their vision. During the months of September and October, the figures can all be viewed in the region.
HayART Program 2015
When? | Where? | What? |
Friday, 28th August | Russbach | Colourful HayART programme: HayART-Schlagernacht with starguest Hansi Hinterseer, Hannah, die Edlseer and die Zillertaler Haderlumpen. Tickets at Oeticket Vorverkaufstellen, or oeticket.com and at the tourist office Russbach. |
Sunday, 30th August | Russbach | The highlight of the 15th HayART Festival is the world´s largest Hayfigures-parade in Russbach, the Salzburgian village. |